Getting your teeth whitened at the dentist’s office delivers results that are much better than you’d get from an over-the-counter tooth whitening kit. If you’re interested in getting professional teeth whitening services from your dentist at Whiting Dental in Mesa, Arizona, you may be wondering what type of results you can expect. Choosing whitening services from your dentist enables you to get maximum results for a noticeably brighter smile.
Teeth whitening services from your dentist give you exceptional results. After professional dental tooth whitening, you can expect your teeth to be up to eight shades brighter and whiter. However, it’s important to note that results may vary from patient to patient. On average, individuals who opt for the first dental whitening procedure can initially expect a three to four shades difference. The brightness level is associated with how long the solution is left on the individual’s teeth.
People with sensitivity issues or who want to whiten their teeth gradually may opt to have a shorter session and revisit the dentist later for further whitening. The results of professional teeth whitening depend on the original shade of the teeth and the type of stains present. Stains on your teeth can result from various factors such as heredity, antibiotic use, and lifestyle habits.
The process of whitening one’s teeth is pretty simple. The dentist will prepare the area for the peroxide-based whitening solution. The solution sits on the teeth for the recommended time frame, depending on how many shades brighter you want your teeth to be after the service is done.
Your dentist may recommend a shorter length of time if it’s your first visit or if you have a history of sensitivity. A special light is applied to the area to activate the solution and begin the whitening process. Once the whitening is complete, the dentist will evaluate the results and may even apply a solution to help desensitize your teeth. Overall, the entire process takes a couple of hours, and the results are outstanding.
If you decide to have your teeth lightened more, you’ll need to ask your dentist how long you should wait before having an additional tooth whitening service performed. It’s recommended to have your teeth whitened at least once every three months to maintain your results.
If you’re ready to get professional teeth whitening to brighten your smile, don’t hesitate to contact Whiting Dental serving Mesa, Arizona. Drs. Ben Whiting and Scott Stauffer and their expert dental team can give you a bright white smile that you’ll be proud to show off.
Call (480) 870-4400 to schedule a consultation or ask questions regarding payment and insurance options. You don’t have to hide your smile when you have professional teeth whitening services from an industry professional with a reputation for excellence.
Dr. Whiting
Dr. Stauffer